Saturday 17 May 2008

Baby Playmats coming soon

I am currently working on some new organic cotton Baby Playmats for Pogglers. It will probably be a week or two before they are online but I have a blue and purple version and a pink, red and yellow version. The blue one has brightly coloured stars on it and I have still to decide about the girly one. I am thinking about stars again or hearts or simple flowers. Any opinions are gladly received.

They are about the size of a cot quilt, so bigger than most baby playmats. Small ones work fine until babies start to move a bit and then as soon as they roll over once they are off, so I decided to make these a bit bigger. This also means that you can continue to use them as a quilt for the bed when the babies are over 1 year, which makes them well worth the money as they will be used way beyond the first months.
It is recommended not to use a quilt to cover a baby under one year as they may overheat.

Happy poggling!

1 comment:

Sarah @ Hullabaloo Kids said...

Wow - I would love to see the mats when they are finished!

Sounds great - with one little girl and a boy on the way they sound perfect!

I love your stuff!

Sarahlolly xx